Editor’s note: In this space, BostonMan Magazine will be featuring women telling their unique stories surrounding the challenges, triumphs, and pitfalls of managing multiple careers. This concept was brought to BMM by Victoria Nasuti, who balances a real estate and modeling career herself. Ms. Nasuti will be managing and authoring this column moving forward. For its premiere, we figured who better to interview than Victoria herself?

BMM: What exactly is H.E.R Page?
VN: I knew that was going to be the first question! H.E.R is an acronym I came up with that stands for “Helping Each other Rise.” There are a lot of good women’s support groups out there but I wanted to create a forum that highlights women building and thriving in multiple careers, specifically modeling + something else. BostonMan Magazine, in its short time has already done so many positive things in support of women and their careers, I figured this was the perfect place to bring the concept to!

BMM: We live in a new world in 2020. In many ways we have evolved for the greater good, but with that comes a lot of new pressures and expectations -both externally and internally. What has it been like for you balancing both a professional career in Real Estate and a modeling career simultaneously?
VN: Balancing anything isn’t easy, although, most of us make it look easy via social media. There was a point when I was heavily focused on my modeling career, but this was before I had jumped into the world of real estate. My passion to turn what I loved doing into something more permanent really lit a fire in me to work harder and pivot my focus to real estate. For that, I am grateful and I feel as though I’ve accomplished a lot. I am still early in my career, but if I continue to set goals, hold myself accountable, and perpetually look for ways to adapt to a dynamic real estate market, I hope to continue my current trajectory.
While I will still pursue my modeling career, I’ve realized that it is ok to have more than one vision, and use each path to help build success in the other. I remember the day I said to myself “I’m getting my license and jumping into real estate”. That passion to become a Realtor was a long time coming. I have dreamt of being in this field of work, making meaningful impact, and helping clients make one of the biggest decisions of their lives. I’ve become accustomed to balancing both careers and making sure I dedicate time and 100% of myself to each, as they can be demanding in their own ways. The struggle of balance only comes when the thought of other people’s expectations of what I should be doing drift in my head. That goes for both modeling and real estate, as different people may be more driven to support one or the other more.
I am always cognizant to try to realize when that happens, and remind myself I can do both as I’ve successfully proven that over the last several years. I focus on the goals and expectations I set for myself and what I value in context of the person I am and the person I want to become.

BMM: What came first: your love for Real Estate or your love for modeling?
VN: I’m pretty sure I came out of the womb posing for the camera while speaking my first words “real estate”

BMM: What challenges or obstacles have you had to overcome both with your Real Estate career and with modeling? Where have you experienced resistance from others while trying to grow both together?
VN: My height has always been a challenge in my modeling career. It’s one of the main reasons I delayed myself from starting and continues to be a factor, especially with booking jobs. The modeling industry has undoubtedly come so far but I still see a lack in popularizing petite sizes. I’ve always said that height should not trump talent, and I stand by that.
In real estate, my challenges stand differently. As a young woman in a very demanding and highly competitive field, I struggle with the perception that others have on myself. My appearance leads people to perceive I am young and assumed inexperienced. Growing up, being the youngest of 3, I always felt a struggle with being taken seriously. It’s that same feeling I had then, but I remind myself, at the end of the day, I am who I am and the only thing I can change is how hard I work to be the best asset for my clients.
I’ve been told modeling won’t last forever, I should focus on my career. I’ve been told people may not want to work with me in real estate because of my modeling. There’s resistance from people who think working on both simultaneously is a poor decision. I’m a business woman. I pride myself in that and regret nothing with my choices.

BMM: What has been your biggest “moment” thus far: With Real Estate? And with modeling?
VN: I think with real estate, that “moment” came when I was able to negotiate an Off-Market listing for $1.6M. My client’s offer was accepted on January 1st of 2020 and that truly set the tone for how I’d continue through this year and for the rest of my career.
With modeling, I don’t think there’s been a single moment that’s defined my success. I believe there’s been little wins that all together have added up for myself. Such as being featured on Sports Illustrated’s website, featured in Elements Magazine and Fuse Magazine, being a Semi-Finalist for Maxim Magazine’s Cover Girl, and so much more.
I also would like to note, without the support and constant belief in me by certain photographers and makeup artists, I truly wouldn’t be who I am today as a model.

BMM: What words of encouragement and advice would you give to other women out there who are looking to reach their fullest potential both with a professional career and a passion project?
VN: FOLLOW. YOUR. GUT. If you think and idea is far-fetched or unrealistic, make that the reason you chase it even more! Nothing is impossible and the more you believe that, the more the world will believe it for you. So make a promise to yourself, turn the tunnel vision on, and let your wildest dreams come true!

If you or someone you know would like to be featured in H.E.R Page please reach out to Victoria at: victorianasuti@me.com
Here are a few more of Victoria’s personal favorites from her collection:

In this space, BostonMan Magazine will be featuring women telling their unique stories surrounding the challenges, triumphs, and pitfalls of managing multiple careers. This concept was brought to BMM by Victoria Nasuti, who balances a real estate and modeling career herself. Ms. Nasuti will be managing and authoring this column moving forward. For its premiere, we figured who better to interview than Victoria herself?
If you or someone you know would like to be featured in H.E.R Page please reach out to Victoria at: victorianasuti@me.com