Image by Rob Hare

WHEN you own a publication called BostonMan Magazine, it’s natural to field questions in regards to different perspectives and advice on various topics for and about men. 

Many of these we take on and tackle in our popular Q&A column with Gervase Peterson, Say Gerv. A recent question though from reader Evan in Saugus, really sparked my interest, and -I feel- resonates with a central theme of this magazine.  

He asked: “What are some of the qualities that make up being a distinguished gentleman?” 

A light went off. This should be a recurring column, not a one-time answer, because, well -depending on perspective- there are many various qualities that are tied to distinguished gentlemen.  

Growing up, I was fortunate to learn, absorb, and observe many lessons from my maternal grandfather -truly a distinguished gentleman in every sense of the word. It was a different era, but I aim and hope to be even a fraction of the gentleman and man of integrity he was. 

Below are five qualities that my grandfather exemplified, five qualities that I believe to be essential in becoming a distinguished gentleman. 

In this space for forthcoming issues of the magazine, other distinguished gentlemen around Boston will be sharing their own principles and takes on what this is to them.  

To kick things off -in honor of my grandfather- here is what a distinguished gentleman is to me: 

  • Confidence. A Distinguished Gentleman exudes confidence in his actions, decisions, and interactions with others. He believes in himself and his abilities, which naturally draws respect and admiration from those around him. 
  • Leadership. Distinguished Gentlemen tend to take charge and lead by example. They are proactive, decisive, and capable of guiding others towards common goals. Their natural leadership qualities make them influential figures in various social and professional settings.  
  • Assertiveness. Distinguished Gentlemen are assertive without being aggressive. They know how to express their opinions and desires clearly and assertively while still respecting the opinions of others. Their assertivenss helps them navigate challenging situations with ease.  
  • Resilience. Distinguished Gentlemen are resilient in the face of adversity. They embrace challenges as the opportunity growth and remain composed under pressure. Their ability to bounce back from setbacks inspires others and reinforces their status as leaders.  
  • Empathy. Contrary to popular belief, Distinguished Gentlemen possess empathy and emotional intelligence. They understand the feelings and perspectives of those around them and use this understanding to build meaningful connections and foster cooperation. Their empathy allows them to lead with compassion and consideration.  

Are you interested in sharing what a Distinguished Gentleman is to you? Or do you know someone who carries the characteristics of a Distinguished Gentleman? Share your ideas with Matt Ribaudo at:


Matt Ribaudo is the Owner and Publisher of BostonMan Magazine. To reach Matt, please message him on Instagram or email at: