Hello BostonMan Family

As the calendar changes from October to November, we can count on the holiday season coming at us. Since COVID-19 hit us all in March of 2020, the majority of our lives have changed, which most likely means the holidays will look different for many of us as well.
When I think about people having to celebrate holidays virtually, Thanksgiving travel plans cancelled, and children picturing Santa Claus in full PPE gear and a mask, it puts me in a melancholy mood. It definitely doesn’t make you feel like putting the famous slogan “Merry Everything and a Happy Always” on your holiday cards.
Yes it is true, Christmas shopping won’t have the same hustle and bustle feel to it, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade won’t have a large crowd, and the Rockettes have cancelled their Christmas Spectacular Show. However, my best friend of over thirty years, Nadia, always tries to reinforce the fact that we have to find the silver lining in all situations somehow. Therefore, I am choosing to take on her silver lining mantra this holiday season and think about ways we can find the holiday spirit during the COVID crisis.
I am a quote girl. I love them. I enjoy searching for quotes to fit all life situations and I must have hundreds pinned to my Pinterest boards, so I decided to find an inspirational one for the holidays. One of my favorite holiday movies is “Charlie Brown Christmas.” In my opinion, this quote from the movie sums it all up: “It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters but who’s around it.”
Since the Pandemic began, I have been hearing so many positive stories about families and friends slowing down from the rush of everyday life and spending more quality time together. What if we use the 2020 holiday season to reset our expectations about the holidays?
Maybe we don’t overspend, over indulge, over schedule, and over stress? Maybe we don’t hold ourselves to impossible standards this year and try to find the beauty in simplicity? Let’s face it BostonMan, every holiday season there are multiple articles written about how to reduce holiday stress. Many of these articles include suggestions such as: avoiding too many commitments, don’t shop at peak times, and get rid of clutter before Christmas.
Well, there won’t be as many commitments due to COVID restrictions. There will not be crowded malls, and many people spent quarantine getting rid of their clutter already. See BostonMan: SILVER LININGS!

At this point, you may be thinking “Ok, Boston Carrie, this all sounds great so far, but what can I do to help myself feel positive and find a silver lining during the 2020 holiday season a bit more easily?” Here are suggestions:
- If you cannot see your family during the holidays this year because of COVID restrictions due to health issues and having to be in close quarters, indoors, in colder weather, then plan an amazing family vacation or reunion that you can look forward to safely and outdoors for summer 2021.
- Watch all of the holiday movies you have not been able to enjoy for years because you are usually rushing around to multiple holiday parties and events.
- Learn how to cook or bake a traditional family recipe that you are usually too stressed to focus on even attempting most holiday seasons because you are too busy and can’t come up for air.
- Enjoy a small group, holiday party with your closest friends at home instead of at a fancy restaurant. You will spend less money and you will be surprised at how much more intimate the conversations and laughter can be.
- The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on the blessings in life, as well as try and make life better for those around us. When I am in a funk, I always feel better when I am able to do good things for other people, so I suggest picking your favorite charity and seeking out ways you can help them during the holiday season.
As Carrie Bradshaw says, “They say nothing lasts forever; Dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.” The pandemic won’t last forever, but holiday memories with friends and families can last forever, even if they have to be modified for 2020. I wish you nothing but joy, love, peace, and health for the holiday season and the upcoming new year.
Tiffany Giannato is a mother, fashionista, stylist, and shopping addict! Her blogs, pictorials, and fashion tips are aimed towards empowering both women and men to look and feel their best regardless of age. Her “you can be as trendy at 61 as you were at 21” mantra has taken Boston by storm! A true Italian, Tiffany believes family, love, food, and style are always the keys to happiness!