Meet Sam Agyeman

Sam Agyeman is an amazing woman! Pageant queen, New England Patriots cheerleader, model, and philanthropist are just a few of the many wonderful endeavors Sam has been involved with and continues to blossom in while embarking on her inspirational journey.
Paired with a career in Medical Device Sales, Sam challenges herself daily to be the very best person she can while raising the bar of her own expectations and those around her.
Recently, I caught up with Sam for BostonMan Magazine’s summer edition of H.E.R Page to learn more about who she is, what make her tick, and how she balances all the admirable undertakings in her life!
VN: H.E.R Page is all about empowering women to tell their stories of successes and failures in managing multiple careers. Tell us a little bit about both your position in Medical Device Sales and things you have done with your modeling.
SA: I currently work as a Medical Device Sales Rep in Boston, specifically working with rapid response point of care diagnostic products. My passion to work within the medical field has been gesturing within me in some form since a very early age. I love solving problems, overcoming objections, setting goals, and of course meeting new people from all walks of life. The best part of the job, is that I feel like what I am doing is important but I am also having fun while doing it!
I actually never thought that I could be a model. When I was about 12 years old, I was discovered in the Solomon Pond Mall by an agent for John Casablanca’s. When the agent approached my mother and I we simply thought he was crazy. To my surprise, I was awarded a scholarship to attend a biweekly modeling school that got me started in modeling. A little over a decade later and I am currently signed with Model Club Inc. in Boston, MA where I have worked with companies such as: BJ’s, Ella Stein Jewelry, Baby Delight, QVC and so much more.
VN: Your parents came to Massachusetts from Ghana in the early 90’s to help create and establish a better life for your family. As a first-generation American, what types of challenges have you had to face, or hurdles you have had to overcome that many may not be aware of, both in modeling and in your career?
SA: Throughout my adolescence, I struggled with figuring out what my true identity was. I was raised in the African culture while attending school and extracurricular activities in a American culture like society. I struggled. A lot. I quickly realized I was always adjusting to adapt myself to the mainstream American academic and social culture because I could not embody that at home. Mentally, I felt as if I was living two completely different lives. However, through the challenges I have faced, I learned how to be more adaptable and open minded in different types of situations.

VN: Philanthropy is obviously a huge part of your core value system, and one of the principles BostonMan Magazine was built on. What are some of the organizations that have touched your heart that you have been a part of over the years?
SA: As I have grown to learn more about myself, there is no question that philanthropy is the core of who I am. I am always itching to get involved and be part of a chain reaction for change in our society. I believe that our children are our future, so I volunteer a lot of my time mentoring young adults in the Boston area. One organization that is near and dear to my heart is the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. My 9 year old little sister Fabiana brings me so much joy, as we talk about her development and the challenges that she faces in our society as it is now.
Other organizations that I love and am a part of are: Project Sunshine, Student’s for St. Jude’s, and Best Buddies.
VN: You obviously have an amazing support system in place with your family, friends, and of course the NEPC Sisterhood! It’s a testament to who you are as a person that you attract so many beautiful people around you. What has it meant to you being part of and helping to build such a strong community?
Community plays an important role in every aspect of our lives. For me, being part of a community makes me feel like I am part of something that is bigger than myself. I am blessed to have the family and friends that I do, because I am part of a community that truly wants to help each other – whether it be personal, social, or professional. The key to a strong community is having unanimity towards a common goal, where you can have opportunities within your community but also feel safe and secure as well.

VN: Sam, there’s so much about you that I have become so inspired by. What/who exactly inspired you to be who you are today?
SA:Hmm, that’s a good question. Knowing that my parents immigrated here to give our family an opportunity to have more opportunities was the driving force for me. It probably would have been much easier for my parents to just stay in Ghana and not go through the hoops of becoming citizens in this country. From a young age, I knew it was my responsibility to use all the resources I had to make the best life for myself that I could. I still have a ways to go to get where I want to be in life, but I know with hard work and determination I will get to my end goal.

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