Kristen Gaffney Manifests HER Destiny!

VN: You lived in Boston while your husband, Tyler Gaffney who played for the Patriots. What was your favorite memory living in the greatest city? And what is the biggest stigma of being a WAG you’ve had to overcome / prove wrong?
KG: Hands down my favorite memory during our time in Boston was the Superbowl LI Parade after beating the Atlanta Falcons 34-28. After a long Superbowl week we were exhausted & told ourselves we were going to ‘take it easy’ at the Parade.

But when you get in that Duck Boat & you enter the city with snow on the ground, 15 degrees outside & you see millions of Bostonians cheering every player on.. man, there is nothing greater than that. Let’s just say we certainly did NOT take it easy that day. Also, when you share a Duck Boat with Robbie G, you don’t have a choice but to party! The fans in Boston are truly the best, no city can beat it. They are loyal as they come & Boston will forever hold a place in our hearts.

I think the biggest stigma as a WAG is that you are some dumb arm candy who wants a player because of his money. Now don’t get it twisted, I was buying Tyler burritos in college when he had $10 in his account! I worked in Silicon Valley for years in tech & made a successful career for myself but made the decision to book a one-way ticket to Boston for love. Over the years social media & motherhood has allowed me to create my own brand, connect with other women & has created many opportunities for me so that I am my own business. Also, I could really care less what any haters will say anyway!

VN: Thanks to you, I’ve been practicing manifesting more and more. What has been one of the craziest things to happen in your life that you’d like to thank manifesting for?
KG: I’ve manifested so many beautiful people, experiences & things in my life, but I would say the best thing to ever come from practicing manifesting is Tyler. After dealing with all of the “fun” single life & dating I decided to take a break & focus on bettering myself.

My best friend told me “You HAVE to read The Secret, it’ll change your life.” And it absolutely did. I read the book in 2 days, stated to practice manifesting & living life more intentionally & positively. One month later Tyler entered my life. We met & since that night haven’t gone a day without speaking. Manifesting literally attracted me to the love of my life & father of my children. You can’t put a price tag on that.

VN: I admire how much you promote body positivity and just doing YOU. How do you want women to feel after they’ve met you or just by scrolling through your Instagram? Any words of advice you want other women to live by?
KG: Social media really allowed me to share my own personal journey with body positivity. Like many women I too struggled with loving my new body after becoming a mom, it was a whirlwind of emotions & different levels of acceptance. And rather than hide what I was feeling, I began to share those feelings with my Instagram followers.

I found that so many women felt the same way I did & I felt this powerful sense of community with people I had never met in real life. It was empowering & I felt like I had found my purpose through connecting with women.

The best advice I could give to women is to put yourself & your happiness first- you before your work, your friends, societal standards, even family. You are your number one, everything starts within you, and everything starts from the inside out. Having a great body doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t healthy on the inside. Practice manifesting, hang out with positive, ambitious people, eat healthy & stay active, remove toxicity & make your damn bed every morning. Follow these consistently & watch your life change.

VN: For 3 years you’ve been going after your dream of being in the magazines of SI Swimsuit. What has this journey taught you as a mom and a woman?
KG: Oh man, SI Swimsearch has taught me so much over the years. The number one take away I would say is that I can do fucking anything (can I swear here?) I realized I was living in this bubble of comfortability my entire life & was never pushed to dream.

SI did just that, they pushed me to dream. During every SI experience I leave with loftier goals (even if they sound totally crazy) & in turn it’s instilled the quality of a dreamer in me. And as a mom I feel more equipped. Now I will push my kids in every way I can through their lives & be there to remind them that they can do absolutely anything they want in this world. For example, my oldest, Jaxon, 4, wants to be the next Justin Timberlake. I said okay, let’s fucking go, Jax.

VN: I’ve seen you go after so many incredible dreams from blogging, to SI Swim Search, to creating a company (Avantera) with Tyler during quarantine, and more. What would you say your ULTIMATE dream is?
KG: The ULTIMATE dream is to be so financially content that I just get to travel the world with the love of my life & my family when we’re not just loving on each other in our forever home. Now to get there certain steps must be taken, & I’m confident we are the right path to get there. Creating AVANTERA has given us the experience of creating a company from the ground up.

Next up is Sports Illustrated Cover. I want to be the FIRST MOM to be on the COVER of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit. Following that, the end goal is to write a book that every woman of every age will read. In turn I want to create a female powered community with that to cover all topics from self-love & confidence to motherhood & postpartum. I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart want to help women become the best version of themselves.

Victoria Nasuti created H.E.R Page – BostonMan to help tell the inspiring stories of women around Boston successfully having careers and passions at the highest levels! A published model and real estate professional herself, Victoria knows firsthand the challenges of performing your best in both a career and passion. If you or someone you know would like to be considered for the H.E.R Page spotlight, please send Victoria a message here.
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