BACK in September 2021 when we hosted our Legacy Club professional networking event at the then newly minted PREMIERE on Broadway in Somerville, I knew our members and guests were going to be in for a spectacular evening.
Owner Koryn Zammuto and her father, developer Charlie Zammuto, spared no expense in designing and building out a stunning masterpiece that combined everything you would want in a culinary establishment with the vibes of an upscale lounge and entertainment of an intimate stage, regularly featuring live performances.
What the daughter/father tandem had created was, well, something that felt like the bright lights of Broadway.
“We want people to feel like they are walking into something amazing,” Koryn told me back when I had my initial pre-event walk through with her. “The goal is to feel that vibe the moment you step through the door.”
Featuring a 300-seat restaurant, 70-seat bar, and that 600 square foot stage, one would be remiss not to catch ‘the vibe’ of PREMIERE upon entrance.
As we galivanted around the lay-out; lush with the finest Italian marble and leather fixtures, I noticed that the art collection -illustrating the walls with many of Hollywood’s most famous stars and starlets- appeared to have all been painted by the same brush.
“These were all done by my Dad,” Koryn says looking back at me with a smile. “He made himself a makeshift studio in the basement, and every day after work goes down there and paints for hours. These are all his creations.”
Come event day, needless to say, our Legacy Members and guests experienced a captivated evening; enjoying everything PREMIERE generously extended our way.
Event days are notoriously rigorous for me. I often find myself stretched like a human gumby; juggling the various responsibilities that come with hosting and entertaining to the standards of excellence we have established.
At the conclusion of this event -as I packed up our red carpet, poster boards, and remaining props- I heard Koryn call out to me from across the lounge: “You didn’t get to eat tonight, make sure you come back to try our meatballs!”

ABOUT a month later, with things settled from our September Legacy Club Event, I found myself back at PREMIERE on Broadway on a seasonally warm Friday evening eager to try the meatballs Koryn had confidently lured me back in to try.
Once acclimated into my seat at their majestic bar (just in time to catch the tip of the Celtics game) I ordered my standard dirty martini with blue cheese olives getting things started.
PREMIERE boasts a cocktail menu mixed with a combination of both trendy and classic spirits, but on this evening I had no intentions of deviating from my vintage martini.
I casually delved into the menu, checking out the various dishes and concepts Koryn and Executive Chef Kyle Oliver have created, however there was no doubt what I would soon be eating for dinner.
Minutes later -without even ordering- meatballs were being delivered to me by none other than Koryn herself.
“These are my grandmother’s meatballs, and her mother’s before that,” she tells me as my mouth begins to salivate. “They are SO tender. Growing up, we used to have a big crock of sauce with our meatballs and we would always try to sneak into the kitchen and dip Scali bread in it because we couldn’t wait for dinner! We would get in trouble and my grandmother would yell ‘don’t touch my sauce!’”
Now that Koryn is the boss of her own kitchen, restaurant, and sauce she doesn’t have to worry much about getting into trouble but still feels her grandmother’s presence and love with each meatball.
“They make me feel right at home,” she dotes. “Every day I still grab bread to dip and always pinch the meatball. You’re going to love these!”
Koryn wasn’t lying. I’m not necessarily the guy -simply by taste- to break down specific measurements or exact components of concoction in a recipe, but my pallet assures you these meatballs are exquisite.
One thing I do notice with my first bite is that these definitely are ‘three-meat’ meatballs, which is a must in my book (or magazine.) If ever a meatball consists of anything less than three meats it will never be considered great; regardless of the amount of romana added, how the eggs are stirred, breadcrumbs shook, onions minced, or basil spread.
Paired with multiple dirty martini’s, admittedly a very subjective drink for bartenders to match a patrons liking (but for me, PREMIERE nailed it!) these savory meatballs safely satisfied every craving I had coming in.
A Celtics victory followed by a splendid jazz band on stage added in all that was left to complete the perfect evening for me!
KORYN AND CHARLIE ZAMMUTO have certainly created the vibe of Broadway in Somerville.
But it’s Nonna Zammuto’s meatballs that make you feel at home while dining at PREMIERE.
Please join BostonMan Magazine on Thursday November 17th from 7pm-10pm at Premiere on Broadway in support of the Tamar A. Bucci Foundation. There will be live music featuring Renee & The Renegades, cash raffles and numerous prizes. All proceeds will go towards a new community park supporting families who have suffered sudden and traumatic loss in their life. Cover donation = $10
Matt Ribaudo has loved meatballs all of his life. And at this point, he has loved martinis for almost half of his life. If you would like to have your restaurant featured in “Meatballs & Martinis” please reach out to Matt at: matt@bostonmanmagazine.com.