
“Love is not a sentiment or a feeling. Love is actually willing the good of the other.” – Bishop Robert Barron


ON THURSDAY, 5/26/22, at our May Legacy Club Event we as a community, once again, tried to process and make sense of this messed up world we live in.

I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to say that evening during my speech -right up until the moment I was handed the microphone- but this is what came to me (8 min speech in its entirety above.)

“I’m not sure what the root of evil is, but we can’t fight hate with hate.”

WE WILL DO OUR PART. Please continue to share with us all of your amazing charity and non-profit organizations that are fighting to help make the world a better place. We will do our part to help build out these causes with what resources we have.

You can contact me directly or through our non-profit coordinator, Alexandra Marcello.


Matt Ribaudo is the Publisher and Owner of BostonMan Magazine and The Legacy Club professional networking community. To reach Matt, please email him at: or contact him via social media.