1. Overcoming Odds

Everyone has a backstory that leads to where they currently are in life. I have taken many paths; both extremely difficult and relatively easy, to be where I am today. Overcoming obstacles in life          help to mold who you are for better or worse. I openly share my most difficult moments in hopes to inspire and guide those that feel lost or alone. The biggest odds I have personally overcome in my life to this day have been a rape when I was 18 years old, with the following year losing my home in Hurricane Katrina, and most recently escaping an abusive marriage and life that I almost lost myself in forever.

All three of these where not only traumatic mentally and physically, they also were my biggest tests in life to not lose who I was as a person; someone I believe to be good. Overcoming odds can feel overwhelming when you are in the middle of your lowest moments, but the trick is to remember whom you are and why you are fighting for your happiness.

  1. Changing Your Mindset

As a Personal Trainer I believe it is part of my job to help my clients, family, and friends not only with their physical goals but also with their mindset in all aspects of life.  To find happiness even in the darkest times, you must believe you deserve it.  Through all of my life I have looked for the light in every situation no matter how dark it seemed. I personally have always held true to my personal Faith and vowed to stay true to who I was as a person. Using your experiences to work for you can become your most powerful tool.

I advise my clients to remind themselves of their ‘why’ whenever they feel defeated. Your ‘why’ is key to the moves you are making to better yourself. By using the odds you have overcome in life to motivate you to be better, you will become your best self. By focusing my energy into positive goals and surrounding myself with loved ones, I have become the best version of myself to date and will continue to grow. Applying the methods of reaching your fitness goals to your every day, forces you to be just as dedicated, driven, and focused in all aspects of your life.

  1. Fitness and Travel

I became a Personal Trainer after leaving behind my original career path of Sports Broadcasting and working for the Walt Disney Company as a live-events, TV, and radio host. I had always been involved in sports and fitness growing up and felt the need to help others reach their goals to the best of my abilities. As I have navigated through my own personal journey to where I am today, I have since owned a gym, become an international fitness cover model, and become a professional Bodybuilding athlete. Every step of my path has taught me something I have used to help others on their own journey in health and wellness; however, something was missing.

Growing up and throughout my adult life I have traveled the world, always keeping my health and wellness in the forefront to not lose progress on my goals. I have also always believed that it’s extremely important to truly experience life and have as many adventures as we are able to with the time we have. What I found to be missing from most people’s self-care plans was the lack of guidance while they vacation with their loved ones, or travel for work. It is possible to enjoy experiencing the world while not losing track of your goals. I began to share the fitness-friendly side of popular destinations in hopes it would help my clients and others find a healthy balance in life. This is how “The Fit Traveler®” was created.

  1. A Final Thought

For a final thought I would like to remind you to never lose Faith in yourself. As people we tend to limit ourselves and forget we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. Whether your journey is fitness inspired, or just finding true happiness in your life, use your experiences to work for you. There was no simple path to how I personally managed my obstacles, bringing me where I am today. However, every one of them had three things in common; loved ones, my Faith, and a genuine belief that I deserve to be happy with the life I am building.

It may be cliché to share a quote, but one I have found extremely helpful that I live by is “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” (Walt Disney). I truly believe in what is said in this quote, for it takes courage to bring light to any dark situation and become better from it. Know your ‘why’ when it comes to your goals, and never forget to believe in yourself.


Nikki Alliegro is a Certified Personal Trainer, Professional Bikini Athlete, NPC Wellness Athlete and International Cover Model. She has dedicated her livelihood to helping others achieve their fitness goals for almost 10 years (both women and men).  Please visit www.TheFitTravelerCollection.com,  for coaching inquiries and for her line of athletic apparel designed specifically for your fitness and adventure. You can also find her on Instagram or email.